Seeing or publishing adult content
Publishing pornography is against the Wattpad Code of Conduct. Check out the Content Guidelines for more information on what is and isn’t acceptable.
If you see content that you think falls into this category, Report the story and give the reason why you think it’s inappropriate.
If you post a story that does not fall into those categories but does contain adult content, make sure to rate it as Mature. If you see a story that you think should be rated Mature but is not, Report it.
To keep yourself from seeing Mature-rated stories...
To keep yourself from seeing Mature-rated stories, do a search for any word in the Search bar (it doesn’t matter what) and then click on Filters at the top of the results page. Make sure that the “Include mature” button is empty and you are less likely to see mature content when you search.
If you do read stories with sexual content, remember that what you’re reading is fiction and doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. Don’t pressure a partner to do anything you’ve read about if they don’t want to, and don’t feel like you have to try anything you don’t want to. Similarly, you shouldn't feel like your romantic relationships have to reflect the ways they are depicted in the stories you read. If you want to know more about relationships and healthy sexuality, check out reliable sources of information like Sextetc and SexualityandU.